Friday 30 May 2014


2. In order that a code is  error correcting, the minimum Hamming distance should be :
(A) t
(B) 2t - 1
(C) 2t
(D) 2t + 1
Explanation:- The error-detecting and error-correcting properties of a block ode depend on its hamming distance. 
To reliably DETECT ’t’ errors, you need a distance t+1 code.

To CORRECT t errors, you need a distance 2t+1 code.

9. With four programs in memory and with 80% average I/O wait, the CPU utilisation is?
(A) 60%
(B) 70%
(C) 90%
(D) 100%
Explanation:-CPU utilisation is given by the formula
= 1 - P pow n
CPU utilisation is calculated from a probabilistic viewpoint. P stands for the fraction of time waiting for I/O to complete. 
Number of processes in memory = n
The probability that all n processes are waiting for I/O is p pow n.
CPU Utilization = 1 - p pow n
= 1 - (0.8) pow 4
= 1 - 0.4096
= 60%

28.A binary tree is said to have heap property if the elements along any path:
(A) from leaf to root are non-increasing
(B) from leaf to root are non-decreasing
(C) from root to leaf are non-decreasing
(D) from root to leaf are non-increasing
Ans:- D
Explanation:-Answer is in Schaum’s series book on Data structures with C++.
A binary tree is said to have the heap property if the elements along any path from root to leaf are non increasing. A heap is a complete binary tree that has the heap property. So the correct option is D.

33.  In which addressing mode the operand is given explicitly in the instruction itself?
(A) Absolute mode
(B) Immediate mode
(C) Indirect mode
(D) Index mode
Ans:- B
Explanation:- In immediate addressing mode, the operand is given in the instruction itself. 
Eg:- MOV AL,64H Move 64H to Al register
     MOV Bx,0493H Move 0493H to Bx register.

42. Which of the following is used for test data generation?
(A) White box
(B) Black box
(C) Boundary-value analysis
(D) All of the above
Explanation:- Boundary value analysis is a technique for test data selection.A test engineer chooses values that lie along data extremes.

For downloading the complete solution click on the following link

Tuesday 27 May 2014


Hi readers,

I have uploaded the solutions for June 2012 - Paper III. This was particularly difficult because the questions were a bit vague and it was a challenge to solve it. I have solved upto 30 questions in this file. I will be follow it up with the rest of the questions soon . I have tried explaining the solution to each and every question as much as I can. Since the explanations are quite lengthy for most of the questions, reading through this itself will be too exhaustive and time consuming. I suggest you go through the explanation multiple times so that they can be applied in some other situation as well. Once again happy learning....

Download June 2012 - Paper III solved....

Sunday 25 May 2014


Hi friends,

Instead of going through each and every post of mine for getting the solutions for all the questions in a particular paper, I have created the following link for downloading the solution file straightaway. I will keep updating you with more solution files in the coming days. Till then, happy downloading and happy learning.

Please find the downloadable files for the solution of previous year UGC Net papers along with elaborate  explanation wherever required.

I will be adding new files for download often. So please keep checking this page....

1.  June 2012 - Paper II solved

2.  December 2010-Paper II solved

3.  December 2011-Paper II solved

4. December 2009 - Paper II solved

5. December 2008 - Paper II solved

6. June 2012 - Paper III solved (partially)

7. June 2009 - PAPER II solved

Look forward to more download links....