Tuesday 18 September 2012


37. Interrupts which are initiated by an instruction are

(A) Internal
(B) External
(C) Hardware
(D) Software


Explanation:- There are three types of interrupts. They are

  1. External interrupts
  2. Internal interrupts
  3. Software interrupt
External interrupts come from I/O devices. Internal interrupts are from illegal or wrong use of an instruction or data. A software interrupt is initiated by executing an instruction. The answer key gives the answer as C. But i think it should be D.

38. printf(“%c”, 100);

(A) prints 100
(B) prints ASCII equivalent of 100
(C) prints garbage
(D) none of the above


Explanation:- The %c format specifier prints the ascii equivalent of the value.

39. For the transmission of the signal, Bluetooth wireless technology uses

(A) time division multiplexing
(B) frequency division multiplexing
(C) time division duplex
(D) frequency division duplex


40. Consider the following statements :
I. Recursive languages are closed under complementation.
II. Recursively enumerable languages are closed under union.
III. Recursively enumerable languages are closed under complementation.
Which of the above statements are true ?

(A) I only
(B) I and II
(C) I and III
(D) II and III


Recursive languages are closed under the following operations.

  1. Kleene star
  2. Concatenation
  3. Union
  4. Intersection
  5. Complement
  6. Set difference

Recursively enumerable languages are closed under the following operations.
  1. Kleene star
  2. Concatenation
  3. Union
  4. Intersection

Recursively enumerable languages are not closed under complement. So the statements I and II are only true. So the option is B.

41. What is the routing algorithm used by RIP and IGRP ?

(B) Link-state
(C) Dynamic
(D) Dijkestra vector


Explanation:- Actually in the answer key it is given as D which is Dijkestra vector. RIP(Routing Information Protocol) and IGRP(Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) are examples of Distance Vector routing protocols and Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) is an example of Link State routing protocols. Distance Vector routing protocols are based on Bellma and Ford algorithms. Link state routing protocols are based on Dijkstra algorithms. Here the options OSPF, Link-state are ruled out. Even Dijkestra is ruled out because link state protocols are based on that. The only left out option is C which is Dynamic and which does not comply with the answer key. So i am just not entering any particular option for it.

42. Identify the incorrect statement :

(A) The overall strategy drives the E-Commerce data warehousing strategy.
(B) Data warehousing in an E-Commerce environment should be done in a classical manner.
(C) E-Commerce opens up an entirely new world of web server.
(D) E-Commerce security threats can be grouped into three major categories.


Explanation:- E-commerce security threats are more than 3 in number and so the incorrect statement here is D.

43. Reliability of software is directly dependent on

(A) quality of the design
(B) number of errors present
(C) software engineers experience
(D) user requirement


Explanation:- One of the closest answer to this also could be option A which is quality of the design. But it can also be understood that if a software product has a large number of defects it is unreliable. So if the reliability of the software improves it means that the number of defects has reduced. So reliability of software is dependent on the number of errors present. So it is option B.

44. ______ is not an E-Commerce application.

(A) House banking
(B) Buying stocks
(C) Conducting an auction
(D) Evaluating an employee


Explanation:- This is a simple one and in fact does not need any explanation.

45. ______ is a satellite based tracking system that enables the determination of person’s position.

(A) Bluetooth
(C) Short Message Service
(D) Global Positioning System


Explanation:- Again quite a easy one and does not need much explanation.

46. A complete microcomputer system consists of

(A) Microprocessor
(B) Memory
(C) Peripheral equipment
(D) All of the above


Explanation:- Again no explanation needed!!!.

47. Where does a computer add and compare data ?

(A) Hard disk
(B) Floppy disk
(C) CPU chip
(D) Memory chip


Explanation:- Since option A,B and D are ruled out, the answer is option C.

48. Pipelining strategy is called implement

(A) instruction execution
(B) instruction prefetch
(C) instruction decoding
(D) instruction manipulation


Explanation:- Pipelining is a technique to build fast processors. It allows the execution of multiple instruction by overlapping them. In an assembly unit every stage has one and only one activity to do. It keeps repeating them again and again. In the same way in a instruction pipeline at every clock cycle one particular step of multiple instruction will be performed. Every instruction has multiple stages. Say at the first clock cycle first step of instruction1 is performed. At the second clock cycle the second step of instruction1 and 1st step of instruction2 would be performed and so on. So pipelining is called instruction prefetch. So the option is B.

49. Which of the following data structure is linear type ?

(A) Strings
(B) Lists
(C) Queues
(D) All of the above


No explanation needed

50. To represent hierarchical relationship between elements, which data structure is suitable ?

(A) Dequeue
(B) Priority
(C) Tree
(D) All of the above


Explanation:- Dequeue and priority are types of queues which is again a linear data structure. If you want to represent hierarchal elements we should go for tree and so answer is option C.