Monday 3 September 2012

December 2010 - Question 15 & 16

15. "Black” refers in the “Black-box” testing means

(A) Characters of the movie “Black”
(B) I–O is hidden
(C) Design is hidden
(D) Users are hidden


For obvious reasons, option A is ruled out. Now let us look at the meaning of black box testing. The term "Black box" refers to the actual software that is getting tested. In black box testing one knows only the set of inputs and expected outputs and is unaware of how those inputs are transformed into outputs by the software. So option C seems to be the right choice.

There are many types of black box testing techniques. It is better to know some of them by name.

  1. Boundary Value Analysis(BVA)
  2. Equivalence Class Testing
  3. Decision Table based testing
  4. Cause-Effect Graphing Technique
Depending on any more questions based on black box testing we can go through the techniques in detail later. I think knowing some technique names could be useful for now.


16. In generalisation, the differences between members of an entity is

(A) maximized
(B) minimized
(C) both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these



Generalisation and specialization are two terms that have a opposite meaning. In generalization the differences between members of an entity is minimized. Generalisation is a bottom up process. It goes from more specific to more general. For example, if the subclasses are taken as car and bike they would fall under the category of superclass called vehicle. From the subclasses we would identify features which can take us to the superclass vehicle.

Specialisation is the opposite of this. In Specialisation the differences between members of an entity are maximized. Specialisation is a top down process. It goes from more general to more specific. If vehicle is a super class and car and bike are its subclasses, identifying the characteristics or uniqueness of its subclasses is what happens in specialization.

It is a sort of repeatedly asked question. In June 2010 the following question appeared.

Generalization is _______ process.

(A) top-down
(B) bottom up
(C) both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these

The answer of course is B, Generalisation is a bottom up process.
To summarise,
Generalisation - Bottom up - Differences between members of an entity is minimized.
Specialisation - Top down - Differences between members of an entity is maximized.
This could be a very important question. Please go through it again if need be.